CableLabs Micronets

Developer documentation for CableLabs Micronets

Idora Client App


The Idora Client is Cordova based multi-platform mobile app used to scan QRCodes for the purposes of logging in to a website without using username/password.


The repository for the Idora Client is micronets-idora-client


This application is HTML5 based, built using the Cordova platform. No native code is required, just html, css, and javascript. The application provides for user account management, logging in, and scanning/submitting QRCodes.


The Idora Client communicates with the following Micronets components: * Idora Server + OUT signup/login/logout XHR requests for managing the IdOra User Account + OUT authorize/revoke XHR requests for managing MSO access tokens

The Idora Client has no inbound interfaces



  • If the URL of the Idora Server is not what the app was compiled with (see index.html in the source code), you will need to use the Settings menu to set the URL example: This must be done EVERY TIME the application is cold started.
  • Create a user account


  • Login
  • Click Scan
  • Scan the QRCode on the Authorization Server login page (redirected from the Registration Server as part of the onboard process) If successful, the user will be logged into the Authorization Server and the onboard sequence will continue.


Detailed instructions for building and installing the Idora Client application can be found here