CableLabs Micronets

Developer documentation for CableLabs Micronets

Micronets Manager

Abstract/What it does

Micronets Manager is an application which controls and orchestrates interaction between various components in micronets platform. It is the critical element that orchestrates all Micronets activities, most notably the creation of rules that manage device connectivity within the home and cable operator network to deliver services.It enables to create / update / view micronets and consists of REST API’s and user friendly web interface.

How is it instantiated

The Micronets Manager can be run manually via npm commands or as a Docker container.

What else does it communicate with

The Micronets Manager communicates with the following Micronets components:

MSO Portal

   * IN CSR Template Requests on behalf of medical device
   * IN Certificate Requests on behalf of medical device

MUD Tools

   * IN Request MUD parsing for medical device

Micronets Websocket Proxy

   * IN Request to setup device-to-address mappings
   * IN Request to receive lease notifications

Detailed descriptions of the APIs can be found

What APIs it provides

Micronets Manager API’s orchestrate the overall services delivery to the devices and ultimately to the user. Several micro services are engaged and managed by the Micronets Manager (e.g., SDN controller, DHCP, DNS, AAA/identity servers).

Instructions for building and running the Micronets Manager API can be found in the Micronets Manager API README

Instructions for building and running the Micronets Manager web client can be found in the Micronets Manager client README

Detailed instructions for deploying the Micronets manager can be found here

The Micronet Manager API’s is currently documented in the source repository. Swagger Documentation : Swagger Docs.
Github Documentation : Github Documentation.